How To Play

  There are two types of controllers: one uses the accelerometer to move the character, the other uses the touch screen.

You must collect all DNAs on the way. If you fail to pick up one of them,  you have to play the level again.

When you collide with something (portal, ring, mine or asteroid) or get damaged by an aircraft, you lose heart.

You must pass through the portals. Otherwise, you lose an energy. When you fail to pass through it, you need to make five consecutive successful passes to replenish your energy.

You do not need to pass through the portal completely to use the "Flash" skill. Inside the portal, you can use it.

It takes four shots to destroy an asteroid. Two shots before the asteroid explodes, the shape of it changes. Shots can be interrupted by portals, rings or not aimed asteroids.

While using the "Hook" skill, you can spin around the portal no more than 2 turn, shots give double damage to asteroids and there is no need to pass through the hooked portal.

While pressing the button of the "Hook" skill, it shows you the route to go until you move away your finger.

                While using the "Hook" skill, the "Flash" skill works on "the Hook axis".

When you use the "Shield" skill, you still need to pass through the portals for not losing energy. But you do not lose heart when you collide with something.

Gems acquired from asteroids, rewards and victory bonuses increase gradually.

In each level, there is only one reward.

In each level, there is a limitation for acquiring gems from asteroids. When you reach maximum gain, the text color of acquired gems turns red. There is also a limitation for collecting gems. When you reach maximum gain, the text color turns yellow. When you achieve both of them, the text color turns green.

Yellow pointers show NOT aimed asteroids.

Red pointer shows the aimed asteroid.

Green pointer on the compass shows the DNA.

Pink pointer on the compass shows the reward.